PIA: Association Industry 4.0 Austria (Austria)
“Production of the Future” is a national Austrian funding scheme that aims to promote cooperation between business and science, build up human resources and develop research infrastructure. There are two opportunities for receiving funding from “Production of the Future”:
- National submission opportunities are regularly offered for funding regular R&D projects, lighthouse projects, and R&D services. Furthermore, endowed professorships and research infrastructure projects such as “Industry 4.0 pilot factories” were funded to make innovative production technology and ICT accessible to both scientists and companies.
- Transnational submission opportunities exist via the European Research Area Network M-ERA.NET “ERA-NET for research and innovation on materials and battery technologies, supporting the European Green deal”. Bilateral submission opportunities have existed with China since 2014.
Krakow Technology Park sp. z o.o.
ul. Podole 60
30-394 Kraków, Poland