Refocusing Technology Trend Insights for Policy Makers in Central Europe Advanced Manufacturing and Industry 4.0
Policy Intelligent Dashboard is the most complete one-stop-shop for policy makers and policy influencing stakeholders as research technology organizations and enterprises operating around Advanced Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 topics.
PID gathers in one place practical and streamlined knowledge and insight on technology trends and potential industry impact for the entire innovation eco-system. Each CAMI4.0 area: Intelligent Production Systems, Automation and Robotics, Smart Materials and Artificial Intelligence represents a Tech Radar including a Risk Heat Map, where policy-relevant data sources as use cases, financial instruments, flagships and organizations are presented with a goal to support, transfer and enrich policy decision making processes in the area of key technologies.
Synergies and Capitalization
Are you interested in connecting with innovation actors from your field of expertise and working together on collaborative crowd innovation solutions in the fields of Intelligent Production System, Automation and robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Smart Materials?
Policy Intelligent Dashboard offers access to the most effective and inspiring tools that have been created, developed and successfully tested by the consortium of CEUP2030 projects partners and beyond it – under the sister projects carried out.
Here we recommend you to deep dive into the most effective tools created under Interreg Central Europe programme: Synergy, S3HubsinCE and 3DCentral. Discover the SYNERGY Platform, the integrated SYNERGY Profiling Tool, moodle platform with hypertree tool and dihnet.eu community for industry and academia with newly designed services for crowdfunding for research, crowdsourcing for innovation, infrastructure sharing and stakeholder matchmaking.
Krakow Technology Park sp. z o.o.
ul. Podole 60
30-394 Kraków, Poland