IWU: Fraunhoffer (Germany)
To make it easier for companies to access new technologies, the Free State of Saxony has set up a range of support measures. Companies can take advantage of these support opportunities to introduce innovative products and processes and thus increase the competitiveness. The following funding measures are available:
- R&D project funding in the form of individual company projects or joint projects in cooperation between companies and/or companies and research institutions.
- Technology transfer funding (exclusively for SMEs) can be used to promote the acquisition of technical knowledge for the realization of new products or processes or those adapted to a new state of the art.
- The innovation award (exclusively for SMEs) supports the use of external R&D service providers for the development of new or improvement of existing products, processes, and services as well as technical support in the implementation phase.
- The KETs pilot line funding serves to implement research results in a pilot line.
- The InnoTeam program supports cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises and universities or research institutions in the formation of competence teams.
- Funding for a transfer assistant supports the recruitment and employment of persons with relevant professional experience in science or business.
Krakow Technology Park sp. z o.o.
ul. Podole 60
30-394 Kraków, Poland