ISKRA d.o.o. eSTEP Solution
The eStep is digital interface that enables masters and workers paperless information exchange about work in progress or finished work. Master or lead worker can see most of the necessary information such as what should be producing, operations, planned workspace, planned start time, the state of stocks required for the operation. In addition to the list of tasks/operations, master will also have a list of employees, who are distribute to him. Then the master can simply assign the worker to a specific operation/job. When this is completed, supposedly before the start of the shift, the master has a plan in front of him, so that ‘his’ employees can work in this shift. This plan is also displayed on the monitors at the entrance to the production, so that every worker entering the production facilities can see what the master has assigned him for the current shift. The worker can therefore go to the job assigned to him and log in to the user interface with his username. Upon registration, he is immediately shown the tasks/operations assigned to him by master. The following information is available to the employee: work order/operation to be performed, total quantity ordered, information on the quantity already made, information on the quantity still to be produced, instructions for manufacture/operation, stock status required for the application. The start and end of the work are recorded within the ERP system.
Krakow Technology Park sp. z o.o.
ul. Podole 60
30-394 Kraków, Poland