AFIL: Associazione Fabbrica Inelligente Lombardia (Italy)
Policy instruments which might influence the development of the flagships in Italy and Lombardy Region:
- Manifestazione di interesse Regione Lombardia e Uniocamere – regional initiative which can be used to support CEUP2030 CAMI4.0 projects in areas of sustainability and circularity, innovation and technology transfer, digitisation, research and intellectual property and training.
- Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) – Italian national COVID-19 recovery plan aligned with the European Next Generation EU (NGEU) program to facilitate Recovery and Resilience after pandemic.
- Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) – Lombardy Region strategy with objective to identify areas of competences and innovative potential priorities in terms of industrial transformation and resilience of the Lombardy economic and productive system, as well as emerging technological areas to focus regional investment.
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